Spectrum/Panther Mart Training EvaluationSpectrum/Panther Mart Training Evaluation Spectrum+ and Panther Mart Training Evaluation Spectrum/Panther Mart Training Evaluation Date of Session:Time of Session:Time of Session AM PM Name of Session intro to Spectrum Spectrum Reports Spectrum Journal Entry Panther Mart Payment Request Panther Mart Shopper Panther Mart Approver Panther Mart Receiver Panther Mart Travel Panther Mart Requestor Query Basic Expenditure Review Spectrum User Group Meeting Training Content Evaluation Please rate each item below on a scale of 1-5 or N/A: 1=Lowest; 5=Highest 5=Strongly Agree; 4=Mostly Agree; 3=Agree; 2=Disagree; 1= Strongly Disagree; N/A= Not Applicable1. Training was well organized.12345N/A2. The training objectives were stated clearly.12345N/A3. The Format of the handout/manuals were clear12345N/A4. The exercise/lessons were helpful12345N/A5. The training met my expectations.12345N/A6. The instructor presented the material clearly12345N/A7. The instructor was prepared.12345N/A8. The instructor demonstrated knowledge of subject matter12345N/A9. Class participation and interaction were encouraged.12345N/A10. The instructor kept the course at the right pace.12345N/A11. Adequate time was provided for the attendees questions.12345N/A12. What did you like best or find most useful about the session?13. What did you like least or find least useful about the session?14. Comments or Suggestions:CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.