Purchasing and Business Services
Bid Limit - >24,999
- Orders cannot be split to avoid this limit
- Orders may not be split by PO/Pcard/Payment request to avoid this limit
- Like items that are ordered throughout the year must be combined and competitively bid if they exceed $24,999
Bid Postings: (RFP, RFQ, RFQC) estimated posting timeline
Table 3.5 |
If the Estimated Contract Value is… | Then, the Posting Period is… |
Up to $24,999.99 | 0 Days (No competitive bid posting is required) |
$25,000 - $99,999.99 | Minimum of Three (3) Business Days |
$100,000 - $249,999.99 |
Minimum of Five (5) Business Days NOTE: GA Law mandates NOIA is to be posted for all bids $100,000 or greater. |
$250,000 or more | Minimum of Fifteen (15) Calendar Days (mandated by Georgia law) |
All solicitations for construction/public works contracts | Minimum of Thirty (30) Calendar Days (mandated by Georgia law) |
Immigration Security Affidavit (a.k.a. e-verify, contractor affidavit, Exhibit B of Consulting Agreement)
- Must have form completed and notarized for all services over $2,499 (a new form is required each calendar year, unless it is an annual renewable contract that is good for the term of the contract)
- Driver’s License can be used in lieu of affidavit for individuals with no (zero) employees
- Form Attached
- E-verify number is 4-7 digits (no alpha characters or dashes) and cannot be vendor TIN number.
Certificate of Insurance (COI)
When requesting a COI the vendor shall add “the State of Georgia, its officers, employees and agents “ as an additional insured under the commercial general, automobile and umbrella liability policies.
The address for Certificate Holder should be shown as:
Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia by and on behalf of Georgia State University
Purchasing Department
1 Park Place South, Suite 901
Atlanta, GA 30303
Catering Services
- Only vendors who have valid Georgia food service permits, licenses, and health scores may be selected to provide food for GSU events. Vendors must provide you a copy of their Certificate of Insurance and all permits prior to any event.
- Include event information including attendees and type of attendee, i.e. student, guest, etc.
- Attach event flyers and any related documentation.
- Verify allowable funding sources (see attached cost matrix and use as a general guide).
Purchase Orders
- Orders must be placed via Purchase Orders
- Quotes must be attached to any non-catalog requisition (screenshots are acceptable if web purchase)
- Contracts should be attached to requisitions
- Receipts must be completed in Panther Mart for payments to be processed.
- Review open encumbrances for remaining balances (under invoiced items, cancelled items, etc.) and close any POs possible.
- Descriptions of items and services must be complete (examples below)
- Incorrect: Consultant
- Correct: Consultant to provide _________________services for _________________ from date to date
- Incorrect: Desk
- Correct: Teknion Wood Desk Model ABCD oak laminate top
- Incorrect: Sub-award
- Correct: Research Subaward Agreement; Project Title: Capacity Building: Collaborative Research: Integrated Learning Environment for Cyber Security of Smart Grid. Proj. Period: 09/01/23 - 08/31/24; Subaward No. SP00011351-01;
- Must be routed to Purchasing (foundation contracts should route to the GSU Foundation for review)
- Purchasing will review and route to Cybersecurity or Legal Affairs.
- IT related contracts that meet any one of the criteria under the services/goods procured question on the Contract Routing Form must be reviewed by Cybersecurity.
- Vendor quotes with terms and conditions whether stated or linked must be routed for review prior to entering a requisition in Panther Mart unless vendor will agree to GSU po terms (attached) and remove their terms. If so please attach vendor comment to requisition.
- Immigration Security Affidavit should be provided for any services over $2,499.00. Attach with contract/quote and Contract Routing Form.
- Certificate of Insurance should be provided for any service provided on campus. Attach with contract/quote and Contract Routing Form.
- Contract renewals must be submitted early enough to allow signatures prior to the expiration of the current contract term
Note: You must use the contract routing form with all contracts https://universityattorney.gsu.edu/legal-services/contracts/ and contracts can only be signed by those who have signature authority for the University per the official list found on the Legal web site.
Personal Items
- (O.C.G.A.) 50-5-80 prohibits any person from obtaining for his or her own personal benefit, or for the benefit of any other person, any goods, services or other things of value, through a state entity in any method, including, but not limited to, purchase orders, government contracts, p-cards, payment requests, or reimbursables. Violating this code section is punishable by civil and criminal penalties.
Note: Although Payment Requests create internal GSU PO numbers, they do not go to the vendor. A non-catalog PO should be used to order, receive, and pay.
All contracts should be submitted for review using the following process:
Complete the following sections of the Contract Routing Form:
- Contact Information
- Contract Details
- Authorized Signatory for Contract - (no signature required on CRF just name of individual authorized to sign an agreement in the amount of $0 - $24,999 – see attached Signature Authority List)
- Departmental Contract Support - Requesting Department Head must sign this section
- Email State Funded Contract to Purchasing
a, Karmen Milton / Rodney Holden at [email protected]
Email Foundation Funded to Foundation
b. Maria Pagsisihan at [email protected] or Micki Begitschke at [email protected]
Digital signatures will be accepted on the Contract Routing Form as approval.
Moving & Relocation Services
Georgia State University utilizes the Educational & Institutional Cooperative Service Contract (E & I) for Commercial and Residential Relocation Management Services. Please reference the documents for the moving companies on the E & I Cooperative Services Contract and their services offered. This contract is not mandatory, but when the estimated cost of any move exceeds the bid threshold of $25,000.00, it must be used. You may use any moving company when the quoted price is less than the $25,000.00 bid threshold; however, it is suggested that three quotes are obtained to find the best value.
When requesting a quote or service using the E & I Cooperative Services Contract, please identify Georgia State University as an “E & I Member” and mention Contract No. CNR01503 (UniGroup) or CNR01504 (SIRVA Worldwide).
Please note that the vendors on the contract documents are in PantherMart. Vendors not in PantherMart must be added to the database. The vendor must also provide a notarized E-Verify form and a certificate of insurance for deliveries made on any GSU campus.
Technology Purchases
Technology Purchases may require additional approvals and review before a requisition is entered into Spectrum. Technology includes, but is not limited to computer software and hardware, audio/visual equipment and systems, research equipment and radio communication equipment and systems.
Please consult the IS&T website for details on IT procurement procedure. And click here to download the IT Procurement Review Form.
Before You Buy
Always feel free to contact the Buyer for the commodity you are thinking about purchasing. Our buyers are trained professionals ready to help you get the best value for department's expenditure.
A Brochure about Purchasing in .pdf format can be downloaded and printed.
A Commodity to Buyer Cross Reference is also available by clicking here.
Buying From Outside Vendors
Many purchases may be made directly by departments, but some must be processed by Purchasing due to their dollar value or the nature of the purchase.
Consult the Dollar Value Grid to determine if your purchase will require processing by Procurement Services or if your department may order it directly.
Details on downloadable forms are listed here.
Details on policies and procedures are listed online here.
Purchase Card
Click here to find out more info on Purchase card
Purchase Requisition
Please see Purchasing Policies and Procedures, Policy 1-00-14.3 for more information.
Paying Outside Vendors
Payment procedures vary depending on the method used to purchase.
All payments for goods and services ordered via Purchase Order are processed by Disbursements.
Vendors can not be paid until they are properly registered in Spectrum. If this has not happened, or if the payment address is different from that on file, the department may be asked to request a change in the vendor file.
Purchasing Card payments are made directly by the University to Bank of America and are deducted from the account designated by the cardholder. Cardholders keep a log and receive a monthly statement for reconciliation.
Invoices to be paid by Express Voucher should be sent to the department by the vendor. It is the department's responsibility to submit Express Vouchers promptly and correctly so that vendors receive timely payments, as required by law.
As a public institution, the University is governed by the Official Code of Georgia.
The Department of Administration Services, The Georgia Technology Authority, The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and Georgia State University all define policies that outline what we are required to do, by law, and by the combined policies of the State and the University. All activities carried out and administered by Purchasing are subject to these policies.
Before You Bid or Solicit Business
Always feel free to contact the Buyer for the commodity for which you want to solicit business. Our buyers are trained professionals ready to help you in how to do business with GSU.
A Commodity to Buyer Cross Reference is available.
A Brochure about Purchasing in .pdf format can be downloaded and printed.
Vendor Guides - Detailed information on the state's procurement process
How we buy from Outside Vendors
Many purchases may be made directly by departments, but some must be processed by Purchasing due to their dollar value or the nature of the purchase.
Virtually all purchases of $5,000 and above must be made via a Purchase Order issued by Purchasing.
Consult the Dollar Value Grid to determine if the purchase will require processing by Procurement Services or if your department may order it directly.
Details on downloadable forms are listed here.
Details on policies are listed online here.
Registration of Vendors
Vendor Registration - Vendors do not register directly with GSU. Vendor Registration for purposes of bids is handled through DOAS - State Purchasing. You will find information on how to register at www.doas.state.ga.us and then link through to "Procurement". There you will find information about how to register your company to do business with the State and State Agencies. The DOAS Vendor Database serves as the GSU vendor database. The DOAS Vender Registration System is a web-based system by which vendors can register their firms with the state of Georgia. The system allows vendors to select the products and services provided by their firms, using NIGP Codes (The numeric coding system used by the state of Georgia for identifying products and services for solicitation and vendor registration). The system is self-maintained, and vendors are responsible for updating their registration information. Once completed, the vendor's firm is entered into the vendor database. Vendors are encouraged to sign-up for e-mail RFQ notification, a free service from DOAS.
Business Opportunities - RFQ's
DOAS maintains a listing of all competitive RFQ's at procurement.state.ga.us. All GSU RFQ's valued at $10,000 or more will be posted there and can be found by searching under the 'open' category.
Subsequent award information will be posted under the 'awarded' category.
DOAS also maintains an e-mail notification system that will alert vendors to all bid opportunities. Further information can be found in the vendor information section at www.doas.state.ga.us in the Procurement subsection.
As a public institution, the University is governed by the Official Code of Georgia.
Other laws and regulations also may apply to all or only certain types of purchases.
The Department of Administration Services, The Georgia Technology Authority, The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia and Georgia State University all define policies that outline what we are required to do, by law, and by the combined policies of the State and the University. All activities carried out and administered by Purchasing are subject to these policies.
The Georgia State University Purchase Card, hereafter referred to as P-Card, is a valuable tool for quickly and efficiently purchasing and paying for small dollar items without sacrificing control or cost. Per the State Accounting Office, the P‐Card may be used as the method of payment for unplanned, non‐routine, or urgent point of sale purchases under $1,000 and for purchases under $5,000 that are preapproved and go through the requisition process (P-card Pre-Approval Purchase Authorization Form) prior to completing the purchase. Point of sale transactions include purchases made at a physical store, in person, online, or over the phone. Unplanned, non-routine, urgent purchases are defined as expenses that are not expected in advance or are irregular in the standard course of the Entity's normal operation
New users must complete the Georgia State University Online P'Card Training prior to submittal of P'Card Application.
Click here for Steps to Apply a P'Card
The P'Card Manual, P'Card Usage Tips and P'Card Ethical Use Agreement, P'Card Agreement can both be downloaded here. P'Card users are responsible for reading the information and following the instructions contained in both documents.
Note: For P’Card Training, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject “Request to add for PCard Training” so that we can give the applicant and their approver access to the online PCard training via iCollege.
Details on policies and downloadable forms are listed online, click here.
Property Control provides a wide variety of services to the university in various areas. Management of the Petit and Research Science Center Stockrooms; Acquisition of university vehicles and management of the fuel and maintenance programs; Surplus Operations with the redistribution and disposal of university equipment; Initiation of asset management and decaling of equipment identified as assets.
Request for Brand or Vendor Preference
Purchase Order
Purchase Order Change or Cancellation
GSU Purchasing vs. State Purchasing
Emergency Purchase
a very short period of time. An emergency situation is one where there is:
1. A machinery malfunction or breakdown that leaves working personnel idle.
2. Academic, research, or technical personnel idle or unable to perform activities due to lack of materials or services in the required time.
3. A circumstance during other than normal working hours where no agency or other state assistance is available.
4. A situation in which the lack of materials, equipment, or repairs of services might seriously endanger the health, safety, and welfare of any person or University property.
NOTE: A letter of justification, signed by the department head, must accompany any request for emergency processing of a Purchase Requisition. The emergency requisition(s) will be given priority processing by the Purchasing Department.
Petty Cash Purchases
According to State statute, materials and/or services which cost $5,000.00 or more shall be competitively bid. Therefore, repetitive purchases from the same vendor on the same day or on consecutive working days may be cause to disallow the reimbursement. The $5,000.00 limit may not be circumvented by splitting a purchase from one vendor on consecutive days, by charging part of a purchase to one account and
part to another account, or by having two or more people buy separate parts of an order. If purchases are made in these or any other manner to get around the $5,000.00 limit, they may be disallowed and become the responsibility of the individual making the purchase.
PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT - To obtain reimbursement, an employee must submit a receipt in the form of an original vendor's invoice marked "PAID" or a "petty cash reimbursement receipt" signed by the vendor. The following requirements should be met with the receipt as in the form of a vendor's invoice:
1. The receipt must be an original (the second copy of a multi-part form is acceptable), not a copy reproduced on a copier.
2. The receipt should be marked "PAID" and carry the signature of the vendor's representative and the name of the vendor. It should also show that the items purchased were sold to Georgia State University or an individual employed by Georgia State University. It should be a formal receipt and not merely a slip of paper on which the information is written. If this requirement cannot be met, consult with the Director of Student Accounts.
3. The receipt should also show the date of purchase, quantity, description, unit price, and extension of each item purchased. Such broad descriptions as "instructional materials" are not acceptable.
4. In those instances where only a cash register receipt is available from the vendor, the cash register receipt may be submitted for reimbursement provided the vendor's name is either preprinted on the receipt or the vendor's name is written on the back of the receipt and signed by a representative (not initialed) of the vendor. The cash register receipt must be accompanied by a complete "petty cash reimbursement receipt," and the receipt must contain a detailed list of items purchased. Again, such terms as "instructional materials" are not acceptable.
The following items may not be purchased via petty cash:
1. flowers
2. holiday decorations
3. carpet
4. drapes
5. items for personal use
6. registration fees
7. travel
8. gasoline for an employee's car
9. parking
10. attorney's fees
11. membership fees
12. classified advertisements
13. business cards
This list may be revised from time to time to include additions/deletions as required.
1. While it is permissible to purchase software using petty cash (Less than $500) or express vouchers (Less than $4,999.99), not all vendors offer special discounted academic pricing. It is advisable to contact the Buyer handling software purchases regarding vendors who can offer such special pricing before purchase. Academic pricing can offer savings of 50% or more compared to normal retail pricing.
2. All heaters, regardless of cost, must be approved by the Physical Plant Department prior to request for reimbursement.
3. Live plants for public areas may be purchased via petty cash with the approval of the Physical Plant Department.
Payment Request
Sales Tax
P Card (Purchase Card)
Film/Video Rental
Return of Equipment or Supplies
Equipment for Trial Approval or Demonstration
Vendors must be informed that the University assumes no responsibility for equipment loss or damage due to any cause. They also should be informed that, if any purchase is made as a result of the demonstration, competitive bids will be taken and the equipment so purchased will be new, unused and delivered in an unbroken carton to Central Receiving. THE UNIVERSITY WILL NOT ACCEPT THE DEMONSTRATION UNIT AS NEW EQUIPMENT.
Service Maintenance Agreements
Purpose of Maintenance Agreements
Period Covered on Maintenance Agreements
Departments can start a maintenance agreement anytime during the above time period. Normally, the cost is prorated and may require a pre maintenance inspection if not under a warranty or if the warranty is renewed at the beginning of the next fiscal year without a break in service.
Purchase Order Change or Cancellation
Purchase of Electrical Equipment
It is essential that the departments follow this procedure to preclude the possibility of having to make costly modifications to the equipment or the electrical supply to the building in which the equipment is to be housed.
Purchase of Used Equipment
"Departmental personnel have personally examined this used equipment and determined that the condition of the equipment is as represented. The department will accept full responsibility, and the best interest of the State of Georgia will be served by the purchase of this used equipment."
Additional documentation may be required. Contact the buyer for the commodity of the used equipment for details.
Purchase of Furniture
Research Grants and Agreements
Expenditures for obligations incurred under contracts, grants, or agreements cannot be made for purposes other than those for which State funds can be expended, unless each exceptional type of expenditure is specifically authorized and stated by the donor or grantor as a requirement of the grant, contract or agreement.
Request for Printing
Rental of Vehicles for Travel
Request for Business Cards
Points to Remember
- The Procurement Specialists in the Purchasing Department are experienced professionals and are able to assist with problem resolution. 404-413-3150 should be called if you have any questions about proper procedures.
- With certain exceptions, all correspondence with suppliers should be handled through Purchasing.
- Unauthorized purchases are improper and illegal, and the purchaser or the Department may be responsible for the charges.
- Please check your requisition to ensure all information is completed and correct.
Include sufficient justification if you desire the item to be purchased as a sole source or a no substitute item. If sufficient justification cannot be determined, then competitive bids will be posted. - Consult the Purchasing Department for any changes to an existing Purchase Order. If changes are required, the appropriate paperwork must be processed prior to the change becoming effective.
Month End and Year End Info
- December 2024 Month End Financial closed on Wednesday, Janauary 15, 2025
- FY 2024 Georgia State Annual Financial Report
- REVISED Wireless Communication Device Procedures
Organizational Chart
Office Hours
8:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m.
Mailing Address (All Locations)
Office of Purchasing and Business Services
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4016
Atlanta, GA 30302-4016
Inter Office Mail
One Park Place
Suite 901
Tel: 404-413-3150
Fax: 404-413-3014
P.O. Box 4016
Property Control
555 N Indian Creek Drive
Building CM, Suite 1110
Clarkston, GA 30021
Tel: 678-891-3325
Fax: 678-891-3932
P.O. Box 4016
161 Jessie Hill Jr Drive
Room 163
Tel: 404-413-3180
Fax: 404-413-3179
P.O. Box 4016
Tel: 404-413-3665
Fax: 404-413-3014
P.O. Box 4016
Surplus Operations
555 N Indian Creek Drive
Building CM, Suite 1110
Clarkston, GA 30021
Tel: 678-891-3325
Fax: 678-891-3932
P.O. Box 4030