Financial Services
Deadlines and Announcements
- December 2024 Month End Financial closed on Wednesday, Janauary 15, 2025
- FY 2024 Georgia State Annual Financial Report
- REVISED Wireless Communication Device Procedures
Programs and Services
- Accounting
- Asset Management
- Budget & Planning
- Disbursements - Accounts Payable
- Disbursements - Travel Services
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Financial Reporting & Asset Accounting
- Georgia State Marketplace
- Panther Mart
- Payroll, Time and Absence
- Purchasing & Business Services
- Revenue, Receivable and Cashiering Services (RRCS)
- Spectrum Services
- Technology Manager - Comptroller's Office
- Give Us Feedback
The Office of Accounting Services offers advice to support decision making and demonstrates fiscal responsibility, accountability and regulatory compliance to the university’s employees.
Major Funds and Accounts
Petty Cash and Change Fund Procedures (New)
Project Advance and Imprest Funds Procedures
Office Location
75 Piedmont Ave
Suite 1200 12th floor
Atlanta, GA 30303
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30 AM until 5:15 PM
Mailing Address
Office of Accounting Services
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4030
Atlanta, GA 30302-4030
Inter Office Mail
Office of Accounting Services
P.O. Box 4030
Please Note: Accounting and Disbursement Office does not handle Student Financial Aid or Student Accounts issues. Office of Student Financial Services is located in Sparks Hall, 33 Gilmer Street, Room 227, Atlanta, GA 30303. For more information, please visit Student Financial Services Website.
The Asset Management team is responsible identifying and accounting for all university's capitalized assets and small value equipment according to the rules and regulations of the University System of Georgia (USG) and the Department of Administrative Services (DOAS). We ensure that purchases, dispositions, and transfers are made in accordance with university requirements, applicable state and federal laws, and any other statutory guidelines for the effective management of tangible, movable equipment in the custody of the university.
Our asset management responsibilities also involve inventory control, which includes overseeing a centralized perpetual inventory system that complies with state law; providing reporting for insurance purposes; and maintaining internal control of assets. We ensure that all non-consumable and non-expendable equipment having a life expectancy of three or more years, and an item acquisition greater than or equal to $3,000 in cost is properly tagged and recorded. We are also responsible for coordinating a periodic physical equipment inventory on a yearly basis with Department Inventory Custodians.
- AssetWorks System User Manual
- AssetWorks System User Training Video
- Asset Management Training (March 2022 Asset Management Training Presentation)
- Asset Management Training Recording (March 2022)
- Controlled Asset Procedure
- Asset Management User Guide
- Property Control Policies and Procedures
- Category Code to Account List
- Equipment Transfer Procedure
- Surplus Transfer Request Form
- Surplus Requisition Form
- Asset Management FAQs
- Lost or Stolen Asset(s) Procedure
The mission of the Office of Budget & Planning is to provide excellent customer service by assisting the university community in maximizing the utilization of fiscal resources in a manner that is consistent with guidelines established by the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, as well as federal, state and local government agencies. Through these efforts, the department supports the university’s goal of becoming a leading urban research institution.
Office Location
75 Piedmont Avenue
12th Floor, Suite 1200
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tel: 404-413-3020
Fax: 404-413-3014
Office Hours
8:30 AM - 5:15 PM
Mailing Address
Department of Budget and Planning
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4030
Atlanta, GA 30302-4030
Inter Office Mail
Department of Budget and Planning
P.O. Box 4030
The Office of Disbursement Services reviews claims and demands against the university and makes payment on the university’s legally incurred obligations for travel, materials and services. The office also provides accounting and reporting on stewardship of property and restricted funds.
In an effort to better serve student and departmental customers during our peak period, we will suspend all departmental cashiering on Monday, January 13, 2025 . We will be open for student tuition and fees payments, only.
If you have departmental transactions, please bring them to the Cashier’s Office before or after this date. We will resume normal departmental business hours and services on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.
Please email any cashiering inquiries to [email protected], and a representative will assist you.
Forms/Information: Legal Affairs
- (Legal Affairs)
- (Legal Affairs)
- - Revised 02/2022 (Legal Affairs)
Virtual Contract Routing Process:All contracts should be submitted for review using the following process: Complete the following sections of the Contract Routing Form:
- Contract Information
- Contract Details
- Authorized Signatory for Contract - (no signature required on CRF just name of individual authorized to sign an agreement in the amount of $0 - $24,999 – see Signature Authority List)
- Departmental Contract Support - Requesting Department Head must sign this section
- Email State Funded Contract to Purchasing
- Karmen Milton / Rodney Holden at [email protected]
OR - Email Foundation Funded to Foundation
LaTonya Heyward at [email protected]
- Karmen Milton / Rodney Holden at [email protected]
- Digital signatures will be accepted on the Contract Routing Form as approval.***PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT CONTRACTS DIRECTLY TO LEGAL AFFAIRS***
Forms/Information: Office of Disbursements
- - (Agreement Between Institutions) - Adapted for Georgia State University (Use in conjunction with the Consultant Agreement-Short Form) Revised - 07/06/09
- - (Required Authorization for PO Related Payments to Independent Contractors/Consultants) - Revised - 07/01/09
Office Location
Citizens Trust Bank Building (CTB)
75 Piedmont Avenue Suite 1237
Atlanta, GA 30303
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30 AM until 5:15 PM
Window Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 AM until 5:00 PM
Mailing Address
Office of Disbursements Services
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4030
Atlanta, GA 30302-4030
Inter Office Mail
Office of Disbursements Services
P.O. Box 4030
Travel Services
The GSU Travel Services is the hub for state approved business travel and is a division of the Office of Disbursements. Designed as a one-stop to assist with all aspects of a trip – from planning to reimbursement, its Travel Team helps navigate you through the travel process. The Travel Team members are available to answer questions by phone or email, to provide information to GSU employees related to travel policies and procedures. Specific support is provided in the use of Concur/Travel Inc., which is the web-based travel application used for booking. Our goal is to assist travelers from the start to prepare for safe, cost-effective travel on behalf of the university, and end by returning your reimbursable expenses in a timely and efficient manner.
The GSU Travel Services is the hub for state approved business travel and is a division of the Office of Disbursements. Designed as a one-stop to assist with all aspects of a trip – from planning to reimbursement, its Travel Team helps navigate you through the travel process. The Travel Team members are available to answer questions by phone or email, to provide information to GSU employees related to travel policies and procedures. Specific support is provided in the use of Concur/Travel Inc., which is the web-based travel application used for booking. Our goal is to assist travelers from the start to prepare for safe, cost-effective travel on behalf of the university, and end by returning your reimbursable expenses in a timely and efficient manner.
Travel Services Procedure
Employee Travel:
1. Obtain an estimated cost for the trip using either the website ( or calling the travel agency Travel Inc. at (877-548-2996)
2. Obtain needed authorization for trip (this will vary by Department)
3. Create a purchase order in Panthermart using the Travel Authorization form (
4. Purchase travel either using the website ( or calling Travel Inc. at (877-548-2996)
For more information about how to book a trip online please see the Travel Services Tutorials below.
Non-Employee Travel :
(Please note Undergraduate employees will be booked in the same way as non-employee)
1. Obtain an estimated cost for the trip using either the website ( or calling the travel agency Travel Inc. (877-548-2996)
2. Obtain needed authorization for trip (this will vary by Department)
3. Create a purchase order in Panthermart using the Non-Employee Travel Authorization form (
4. Complete Disbursement’s Guest Traveler Authorization form and email [email protected](contact Disbursements for more information)
5. Disbursements will review the Guest Traveler Authorization form and send completed forms to Travel Inc.
6. Disbursements will email the employee and/or non-employee to let them know that the trip can be purchased by calling Travel Inc. (877-548-2996)
7. Employee or non-employee calls Travel Inc. to purchase the trip.
For more information about how to book a trip for a non-employee please contact Disbursements at 404-413-3040 or via e-mail at [email protected].
Travel Overview Training Sessions
The Office of Disbursements Travel Team is pleased to announce open registration for its travel session on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, starting at 9:30 AM. This two-hour interactive presentation will cover the following topics:
Travel Overview
- Overview of the travel process
- Key updates on travel policy changes
- Travel expenses directly billed to GSU (air, car); directly paid by GSU (hotel)
- Utilizing the Contracted Statewide travel agency
- How-To demonstrations for domestic travel (In-State and Out of State)
- Per Diem Lookup
- Completing Travel Expense Statement
- Resources and links for "Before You Go"
Our Travel Team moderators will monitor the chat, so please feel free to ask questions during the presentation for real-time answers.
To register, click the link below:
We understand that attendees will have various roles in the travel process (traveler, admin, approver, etc.], and our goal is to provide useful information that serves as an introduction or refresher for each participant. We also welcome specific requests for tailored travel sessions for your department, travelers, or admins. To schedule a customized session on a related topic, please contact [email protected].
NOTE: If you can't attend this session, stay tuned for announcements about upcoming Travel Overview sessions.
If you have any questions, contact [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 404-413-3040
Physical Location:
Citizens Trust Bank Building (CTB)
75 Piedmont Avenue Suite 1237
Atlanta, GA 30303
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday
8:30 AM until 5:15 PM
Window Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 AM until 5:00 PM
Mailing Address
Georgia State University
Office of Disbursements Services - Travel
P.O. Box 4030
Atlanta, GA 30302-4030
Inter Office Mail
Office of Disbursements Services - Travel
P.O. Box 4030
The Office of Enterprise Risk Management works within the University community to create a sustainable process to identify, assess, and prioritize risks across the enterprise to facilitate attainment of key organizational objectives and minimize uncertainty.
Office Location
75 Piedmont Ave, NE
Suite 1200
Atlanta, GA 30303
Tel: 404-413-3083
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30 AM until 5:15 PM
Mailing Address
Office of Enterprise Risk Management
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4030
Atlanta, GA 30302-4030
Inter-Office Mail
Office of Enterprise Risk Management
P.O. Box 4030
The Office of Financial Reporting and Asset Accounting Services is responsible for various financial reporting and recording duties as well as safeguarding university equipment and capital assets.
Office Location
75 Piedmont Ave, NE
Suite 1200
Atlanta, GA 30303
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30 AM until 5:15 PM
Mailing Address
Financial Reporting and Asset Accounting
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4030
Atlanta, GA 30302-4030
Inter Office Mail
Financial Reporting and Asset Accounting
P.O. Box 4030
The Office of Revenue, Receivable and Cashiering Services (RRCS) – Manages the approved campus E-commerce system (TouchNet Marketplace) used for sale of products and services by credit card.
Georgia State University (GSU) Marketplace provides an easy, campus-wide e-commerce framework for campus merchants to create, manage and operate online storefronts, registration sites, and secure payment pages through a TouchNet application called Marketplace. The hosted application is a Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliant solution for accepting online payments.
Contact Us
Need assistance creating an online store, uPay site, adding or updating users?
Email us at [email protected]
Panther Mart is Georgia State University’s online catalog and ordering e-procurement application. This electronic requisitioning tool helps Georgia State’s faculty and staff comparison-shop online for the best prices from various catalogs, create a purchase requisition, submit requisitions for approval and acknowledge receipt of goods.This is made available by seamlessly integrating SciQuest’s HigherMarkets catalog and invoicing functionality with our PeopleSoft purchasing module. This user-friendly application allows for quick and easy order placement, improved expense management and greater flexibility for purchases at year end.
Office Location
Citizens Trust Bank Building (CTB)
75 Piedmont Avenue Suite 1237
Atlanta, GA 30303
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30 AM until 5:15 PM
Window Hours
Monday through Friday
9:00 AM until 5:00 PM
Mailing Address
Office of Disbursements Services
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4030
Atlanta, GA 30302-4030
Inter Office Mail
Office of Disbursements Services
P.O. Box 4030
Payroll, Time and Absence & Payroll Accounting and Reporting
Office Hours
8:00 a.m.-4:45 p.m.
Office Location
One Park Place South
Suite 330
Tel: 404-413-3302
Fax: 404-413-3301
Create a Payroll Service Request by clicking here or using this URL
Mailing Address
Payroll Office
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3982
Atlanta, GA 30302
Purchasing and Business Services includes the Purchasing Department, Property Control, Central Receiving, Surplus Property and Facilities’s goal of becoming a leading urban research institution.
Main Purchasing Office
One Park place South
9th Floor, Suite 901
Tel: 404-413-3150
Fax: 404-413-3164
Office Hours
8:30 AM - 5:15 PM
Mailing Address (All Locations)
Office of Business Services
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4016
Atlanta, GA 30302-4016
The Office of Revenue, Receivable and Cashiering Services (RRCS) provides accurate and timely reconciliations and financial reporting for student tuition, fees and financial aid programs along with administering university cashiering and credit card processing activities.
Student payments can be submitted online via PAWS, by mail, or in person.
Online payment options (via PAWS):
Electronic check (no fee)
Debit or Credit card (2.95% convenience fee)
Georgia State University
Attn: Cashiering Services
P.O. Box 5099
Atlanta, GA 30302-5099
Please include student’s name and Panther ID Number
Special delivery mailing address
Georgia State University
Attn: Cashiering Services
33 Gilmer Street, Sparks Hall, Suite 101
Atlanta, GA 30303
Marta Sales:
MARTA ticket sales at the Perimeter campuses end on the 10th of the month.
For more information - .
Student Payment Cashiering
8:30 AM until 5:15 PM
Departmental Cashiering
8:30 AM until 4:00 PM
Cashier Campus Locations & Contact Information
Sparks Hall, Suite 101
33 Gilmer Street
Atlanta, GA 30303
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 404-413-3251
Fax: 404-413-3298
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Alpharetta Campus Cashier Office
AA 1122
3705 Brookside Pkwy.
Alpharetta, GA 30022
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 404-413-3251
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.; may be closed 1 hour for lunch
Clarkston Campus Cashier Office
CN 1510
555 North Indian Creek Dr.
Clarkston, GA 30021
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 404-413-3251
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Decatur Campus Cashier Office
SF 1300
3251 Panthersville Rd.
Decatur, GA 30034
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 404-413-3251
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Dunwoody Campus Cashier Office
NB 1400
2101 Womack Rd.
Dunwoody, GA 30338
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 404-413-3251
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Newton Campus Cashier Office
1N 1130
239 Cedar Ln.
Covington, GA 30014
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 404-413-3251
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.; may be closed 1 hour for lunch
Payments and Dropbox
Payment Deadline:Payment Due Date Payment Methods: |
Cashier Drop Box Depository |
Each campus drop box accepts check, money order, or cashier’s check (no envelopes needed). The drop box at the Atlanta campus is located next to the Cashier windows in Sparks Hall. The drop box at the Perimeter College campuses are located outside each Cashier’s office. Do not put cash in the drop box. |
The mission of the Office of Spectrum Systems is to provide ongoing administrative application support and maintenance to the university community to ensure the continued operation of the University’s administrative systems. This office is committed to reaching this goal in five ways: maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of University business processes, performing software upgra des and fixes for applications and processes, testing and evaluating new application software, educating and training employees on the University’s financial and human resources systems and maintaining an accurate, up-to-date and secure software environment to support the academic and administrative needs of the institution.
Office Location
Citizens Trust Bank Building
Suite 430
75 Piedmont Avenue
Atlanta, GA 30303
Office Hours
8:30 AM.-5:15 PM
Mailing Address
Spectrum Office
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3961
Atlanta, GA 30302-3961
Inter Office Mail
Spectrum Office
P.O. Box 3961
Contact Help Desk @ 404-413-4357 or [email protected] for problems using the Spectrum System (logging in, error messages, etc.). The problem will be routed to the appropriate person.
The Technology Manager – Comptroller’s Office develops technology solutions (hardware, software and data analysis) for the departments that report to the Comptroller’s Office, coordinates audit examinations, and assists in preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
Office Location
75 Piedmont Ave
Suite 1200 12th floor
Atlanta, GA 30303
Office Hours
Monday through Friday
8:30 AM until 5:15 PM
Mailing Address
Office of Accounting Services
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 4030
Atlanta, GA 30302-4030
Inter Office Mail
Office of Accounting Services
P.O. Box 4030
Organizational Chart

Financial Services Contacts
Office Hours
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m.
Phone: 404-413-3000
Fax: 404-413-3005
Physical Location
100 Auburn Ave, Suite 528
Atlanta, Ga. 30303
Mailing Address
Office of Vice President of Finance and Administration
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3999
Atlanta GA 30302-3999
Internal Mail Address
Office of Vice President of Finance and Administration
P.O. Box 3999
Staff Quick Reference
L. Jared Abramson, 404-413-0100
Brad Freeman, 404-413-3035
Ann Williamson, 404-413-3308